P-05-927 Changing Places toilet facilities

This petition was submitted by Llanelli Changing Places Campaign Group having collected a total of 1,273 signatures.


Text of Petition             

This petition urges the Welsh Government to make Immediate Changes to Building and Planning Regulations to ensure that Changing Places toilet facilities, with Adult Changing Bench, Hoist and enough space for 2 Carers, are provided in all Large Public Buildings as they are Built, Redeveloped or Refurbished.


Additional Information

​ Case example

"My daughter is 9 and has global development delay and is a wheelchair user. Her disability means she is unable to maintain a sitting balance and she is non-verbal,so,she cannot tell me when she needs the loo. This means she wears nappies. When she needs changing whilst we are away from home, we often struggle to find facilities in which to do so. She is getting too large for a baby changing unit and our only other option is the toilet floor,which is unsanitary, unhygienic and in my mind is inhumane as well as undignified. This is a completely unacceptable and unreasonable situation for anybody to be exposed to. I am also aware that each time I lift her, I am putting myself at risk of an acute back injury and this will become more of a risk as she gets older and bigger. How people manage to change adults this way beggars belief"

There are thousands of disabled people across Wales who need the facilities a Changing Places toilet offers. British Standards 8300/2018 says that Changing Places toilets should be provided in Larger Buildings and Complexes such as

A/ Major Transport Termini or Interchanges e.g Large Railway Stations and Airports

B/ Motorway Services

C/ Sport and Leisure facilities, including Large Hotels

D/ Cultural Centres, such as Museums, Concert Halls and Art Galleries and Faith Centres

E/ Stadia and Large Auditoria

F/ Large Commercial Retail Premises and Shopping Centres

G/ Key Buildings within Town Centres, e.g.,Town halls, Civic Centres and Main Public Libraries

H/ Educational establishments

I/ Health Facilities, such as Hospitals, Health Centres and Community Practices

J/ Other Visitor Attractions, such as Theme Parks, Monitored Beaches and Parks


The Welsh Government can and must do better than the current situation and make Changing Places toilets Compulsory for Large Public Buildings as listed in BS8300/2018


Assembly Constituency and Region

·         Llanelli

·         Mid and West Wales